Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Headed to a Lake I haven't been on for 25 years or so Personnel Best Walleye was caught

Pre-fishing for a club bass tournament and we were hoping to catch more #Bass than #Pike and #Walleye but you just can't force feed these darn #Fish lol, We covered lots of water and found some potential areas and eliminated some baits for now, #Crankbaits for the win this day and Bonnie caught Her Personnel Best #Walleye  the tourney ended up being cancelled as they were calling for major Thunder storms in the area that day.

#BlackflyLures #XZoneLures #LiquidMayhem #TheRodGlove #ArdentOutdoors #ArdentReels #WooTungsten #TakeAKidFishing #WellingtonCounty #Fishing #FishingLife #CatchAndRelease #FishingFriendzy #CanadianFishingNetwork #RuleTheWater

Tight Lines Fishing 


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