Saturday, September 16, 2023

Couple hours out in the Das King Kratos Kayak

Decided to go out with the #DasKing #Kratos #Kayak for some #Panfish #Fishing using small jigs and #Plastics and had a couple surprises, did a bit of paddling and peddling to get around the lake and had a couple lady's and one of their sons asking about the Kayak and the Fishing, they really liked the peddling park of the kayaking and had never seen one before. 

#BlackflyLures #XZoneLures #LiquidMayhem #TheRodGlove #ArdentOutdoors #ArdentReels #WooTungsten #TakeAKidFishing #FishingFriendzy #CanadianFishingNetwork #RuleTheWater

Tight Lines Fishing   


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