Sunday, July 2, 2023

Jackson Loves fishing and kicks butt every time we get out together

His favorite spot is anywhere on the water or in the bush, it doesn't matter what he's catching as long as it has Fin's and Gill's, usually start out fishing for Panfish, He loves his perch while at their cottage but loves the #Crappie while #Fishing around home and switching back and forth from #Bass, #Pike and #Panfish , not a lot of big ones but he was hoping for enough for a meal and He caught enough to share with a Family friend. 

 #BlackflyLures #XZoneLures #LiquidMayhem #TheRodGlove #ArdentOutdoors #ArdentOutdoors #WooTungsten #TakeAKidFishing #FishingFriendzy #RuleTheWater

Tight Lines Fishing  


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